Monday, October 30, 2006
T minus 8 days
As a candidate, I looking for the end--no matter what happens. I hope that the voters in CD2 uses their head and not a place further down. I believe in term limitation and two is good. Good luck to all candidate but I want the write-in candidate to win and I know if he does two terms, he will do more in one years than Franks has done in four. One more quick note: he will keep his' intregity in tack, take no PACS's more, and never make a promise that he doesn't intend to keep for Children, Seniors, and Veterans of all Wars. God Bless everyone. Thank you.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Less than a month to go
With less than a month to go, have you made up your mind or has your programable mind, made it up for you. If you are Republican and because Franks is a Republican, your vote go to him despite how bad a job he has done in the last four years. I know that I am putting the envelop by asking you to look into the past and examine why he should be reelcted. The medicare bill only should be why he shouldn't be return to office(it's screwed up) and now they focus on during the same to social security. Wake the heck up and realize what can happen to you if he is returned. The war in Iraq and soon to be in Iran;how many of your kids and their kids will be affect with this. The American people have received nothing because except Bush chosen few. They have nothing invested in thie war but have made a ton of your money in their pocket. "All men are create equal", why are so many getting the shaft?
Democrats, you are no different if you can't produce any policies to get back on course to a better America for all Americans. Wake up and smell the coffee and tell me what you are going to do.
Or do we need a person on the Hill that will light the fire and remind the Congress what we need to be doing. This is an all for one and one for all concept. God bless America.
Democrats, you are no different if you can't produce any policies to get back on course to a better America for all Americans. Wake up and smell the coffee and tell me what you are going to do.
Or do we need a person on the Hill that will light the fire and remind the Congress what we need to be doing. This is an all for one and one for all concept. God bless America.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
How many of you voted for Delay?
Maricopa County Republicans **News Flash**
You think that you voted for Trent Franks; I needed to inform you that you voted for Tom Delay> Now you wondering what is the heck I am talking about. Trent Franks will be nothing more than a stooge for Tom Delay and whatever way Delay wants the vote to go, Franks will vote the way that Tom wants him to vote. Now how in the hell do I know that;Franks has now taken twenty thousand dollars from Delay's PAC funds twice. If one has followed Franks when he stated that he would never take it and blame it on the Democrat's candidate for having to take PAC. Let look at his campaign dollars: he has taken over $110,000.00 while the Democrat has only raised $23,000. Totally, Franks has raised almost $300,000.00 for the campaign. He has also spent over $280,000.00 of this money. He calls himself a fiscal conservative;I think not and he is part of the reason the national debt is so high because of his flip-flop voting he does. He has ruin medicare and he still wants to destroy social security. Do you still want to send him, I would like to believe that the answer would be no, no, no.
You think that you voted for Trent Franks; I needed to inform you that you voted for Tom Delay> Now you wondering what is the heck I am talking about. Trent Franks will be nothing more than a stooge for Tom Delay and whatever way Delay wants the vote to go, Franks will vote the way that Tom wants him to vote. Now how in the hell do I know that;Franks has now taken twenty thousand dollars from Delay's PAC funds twice. If one has followed Franks when he stated that he would never take it and blame it on the Democrat's candidate for having to take PAC. Let look at his campaign dollars: he has taken over $110,000.00 while the Democrat has only raised $23,000. Totally, Franks has raised almost $300,000.00 for the campaign. He has also spent over $280,000.00 of this money. He calls himself a fiscal conservative;I think not and he is part of the reason the national debt is so high because of his flip-flop voting he does. He has ruin medicare and he still wants to destroy social security. Do you still want to send him, I would like to believe that the answer would be no, no, no.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Primary around the corner
With the primary around the corner because we want the best people on the ballot in November. Politics as usual is not an option. The country is heading the wrong way(yes the wrong way). It is time for a major changes and the current Congressman Delay(I mean Franks) needs to go. CD2 in Az deserves a better representative and the time is right now. We could probaly get health care for all Americans, drug cost under control, and stop getting our brave servicemen and women killed in Iraq and Afganistan. We love our troups and it is time to get them out of harm way. Trent, send your son or daughter over there if you feel its right. Oh, you don't have any children. Lets send you over instead. As for minimum wages, let us change your pay to minimum wages and see if you can live in that big house you have. Lets see if you can fly all around the country with the income achieve by minimum wages. Walk a mile in our shoes if you dare. Stop being the pretender of representing CD2 and go home.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
It's getting close to the big decision
We're in the middle of August and time for the run to the finish line. Most of you(the voters) have made your decision on who you going vote for so it's time for my last push to tell why I am the right person for your vote. As I approach my 30th anniversity, I always take time each week to think about each one of the year to see if I should of done anything better but I give myself maybe a little. It helps for future year of this marriage. I always want things to be better. I go through this procedure if elected to the House of Representative to replace Delay(sorry I mean Franks). I always seem to get these two guys confuse but in my heart I know that Delay will be the puppetier to Trent Franks(they are too close). By the way, he does care what you think of his relationship between Delay and Franks. I also believe that Delay will become a lobbyist and with all his puppet if they get reelected and it will not be good for our country if that happen. Its time for a big change for the good of America and our people. I want to make that change.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Just short of hitting you with a hammer>
Just short of hitting the voters over the head with a hammer, what is it going to take to inform you (the Voters of CD2), that Trent Franks is not the right Representative for this District in Washington. He seems now to be voting as if Tom Delay was telling him to vote. This romance which was consummated with the two donations of twenty thousand dollars. Now, one was a direct donation from Delay's PACS fund and the other was a fund raiser in DC with Delay as the keynote speaker. Come on people at two thousand a plate and raising twenty thousand dollars (according to the AZ Republic by their Washington's reporter - Billy House); one would have to be blind and dumb to believe that only special interest was at this function (if it actually took place). Furthermore, don't most fund raisers take place in your home state? Voters of CD2, take heart and chose another person to take Franks place in Washington and find someone to represent the District. Thank You. Only a suggestion for Republicans who can't vote for a Democrat, write in William Crum;he is a write-in candidate in CD2 but use your vote for anyone other than Trent Franks.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Trent is not a Christian
The lastest vote by Congress show there some Representatives that are Christian INO. What does that mean: in name only. They don't practice what they preach. When you throw something out that can be used in the betterment of mankind, it is wrong and a waste of a great opportunity and needed to be reexamining. Trent Franks if you can't up to the plate and go to bat for your citizens, get the hell out of office and let put someone in there that will do the job and do it right. Forget your buddy Delay and be a man if you can.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Censorship My online forum
I did not know that there still censorship in America;this must be brought about by our present leadership in Washington. The News Herald News online is censoring my articles to tell why Trent Franks is not the person to lead Congressional District II. The Republicans must have a lot to worry about if their Newspapers have to centure articles about our present Congressional people. Are they afraid to let the truth be known? If their person is the right person, they shouldn't have to resort to this tactic. Could it be that Trent Franks is the wrong person for CD2? After all, I am just a write-in candidate;do they something to fear? What are the voters of CD2 thinking because I want to Know?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Don't you just love these guys.
As I read the Monday AZ Republic, I found in the local section the Congressional voting record. We can't solve the immigration problem but they can vote themselves a pay raise beginning in January 07. We can't get a health coverage for all Americans, but they could pass this pay raise. We can't solve on how to handle our homeless problem but these millionaire, need a pay raise. The last pay raise was last year and they really didn't need that one either. We can't get minimum wage passed to a realistic wage but they can pass this pay raise. It's time to dump this Congress. Their raise was over $2000 and that is about 25% of what minimum wage would pay for a year of 40 hours a week and 52 weeks a year. This is ridiculous and its show how much they don't care about most Americans. Let put this is more terms that I believe you can understand: They will gross over $6400.00, every two weeks.
Time for a change. Time for a change.
Time for a change. Time for a change.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Well, it's back to write-in-again.
In November, on the 7th, I will a write-in candidate--again. It was hard for me to gather the signatures I needed to get on the ballot. This is be the first of several posts, all the way up to election day. You ask"why bother", I say because I care about all Arizonians and Americans to help get rid of Trent Franks because he doesn't represent anyone but special interests. Look at the funds he raising;a lot of the money is coming from out of state. You need to check who he get the money:mostly big business and utilities--anti-customers friendly. All the special interest who puts profits before people and this is destroying our country. Don't expect help with high gas prices because he gets money from exxonmobil and as long as he vote their way, he will keep getting it. The h*ll with the people of America and the people who can't afford the high cost. People, the public needs your votes to get rid of this evil person while we still have a chance.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I need your help and I don't care who knows.
Well my back is against the wall and my opponent know this . He is happy about this because I would derail his agenda: more taxs break for the rich, big business, high cost of drugs for seniors, and a larger deficit for all Americans. This is all by a fiscal conservative is only agenda is to make a ton of money for himself and the h*ll with his country. He has never put on a uniform to serve his country and I am not sure he is a patriot of this country. He offer no solutions to getting out of Iraq and therefore our servicemen/women are dying needlessly. There maybe the possibility the war hasn't hit your family but the longer we are there, the chances increase. With almost three thousands killed in Iraq and hundreds more in Afganistan, enough is enough. Good citizens of Americans, what is it going to take to make you realizes what is going on and a drastic changes has to be make before we are no more. Over two hundred years to make this country what it is and in just five years, we are completely destroying it. My Congressperson is leading the charge. People, I need your help and I don't care who knows. Can you help me: 602-300-8851 or e-mail at I know that you are not stupid so please help me out.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Average Joe in 2006
Average Joe in 2006
Here a list of issues, can you rank these in order of important:
health care
border security
integrity during campaign or campaign reform
term limitations
drug cost or seniors issues
transportation issues
Here a list of issues, can you rank these in order of important:
health care
border security
integrity during campaign or campaign reform
term limitations
drug cost or seniors issues
transportation issues
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Calling all Registered Independent in CD2
The Democrats need 600 signatures to get on the ballot.
The Republicans need 900 signatures to get on the ballot.
The Liberatarians need 10 signatures to get on the ballot.
The independent need 3000 signatures to get on the ballot.
I need a little bit of help so I need all registered independent to e-mail me and tell where to go for their signatures. Can you help me?
The Republicans need 900 signatures to get on the ballot.
The Liberatarians need 10 signatures to get on the ballot.
The independent need 3000 signatures to get on the ballot.
I need a little bit of help so I need all registered independent to e-mail me and tell where to go for their signatures. Can you help me?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Calling all independents
In CD2. I need all registered independents I need you to contact me at to sign my petitions so I can get on the ballot in November. I need the signature before the fifteenth. Call me as soon as possible at 602-300-8851.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Time is Now in 2006
The time is now to vote him out or there will be no more freedoms left to enjoy. As long as the old cronies are running the country, politics as usual will exist and life for about 99 % of the Americans will really stink. What will it takes to wake you all up because I am really lost for words. They are our freedoms and we fought hard to get them and no persons or group of people will take my freedom and not know that they are in a fight to the end. We are all Americans and deserve the respect of our peers for our rights to our freedom. God Bless America.
A Bright New way of an old concepts.
Do you remember when the concepts of Congress was to represent all Americans and not just the ones who give them money so they can run again? Do you remember when the bills of the land were written to serve all Americans instead of special interest groups(Who I understand write the laws and then give the bill back to the Congressional people-they make sure that the bill will give themself the maximum profit and the Congressional person his campaign money? Can I remember when, yes I can so lets the voters of CD2 take Franks out and put your independent choice to take his place. William Crum believe in the old concepts in what your congressional person should be. Lets reform the campaign and take PAC's money out of the equation. Lets bring in someone who will do the job for love of people and country. Remember: Crum for Congress-your independent choice.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Average Joe in 2006
My name is William Crum and I am an independent candidate for the U. S. House of Representative in Arizona, CD2. I want the seat presently occupied by Trent Franks. He is not representing his voters in his district and has failed to live up to his promises he made when first elected. Stay home Trent and I will work for all Americans and not special interest along with your bud, Tom Delay. The district needs someone who will represent all Americans. Crum for Congress, your independent choice to represent CD2 of AZ. Calling all independents, I need your help to get on the ballot in order to have Franks step down and a true American step forward.
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