Thursday, February 09, 2006

Average Joe in 2006

My name is William Crum and I am an independent candidate for the U. S. House of Representative in Arizona, CD2. I want the seat presently occupied by Trent Franks. He is not representing his voters in his district and has failed to live up to his promises he made when first elected. Stay home Trent and I will work for all Americans and not special interest along with your bud, Tom Delay. The district needs someone who will represent all Americans. Crum for Congress, your independent choice to represent CD2 of AZ. Calling all independents, I need your help to get on the ballot in order to have Franks step down and a true American step forward.


Jane Arizona said...

Hi, Average Joe. Consider yourself linked from my site. Have a good day.

William said...

Hi jane arizona, thank you for adding me to your site. Can you tell me what is in your mind and do you live in CD2? It's time to get Congress to the principal of old, A Congress for the people and by the people along with the principal:for all Americans not just special interest.