Monday, September 04, 2006

Primary around the corner

With the primary around the corner because we want the best people on the ballot in November. Politics as usual is not an option. The country is heading the wrong way(yes the wrong way). It is time for a major changes and the current Congressman Delay(I mean Franks) needs to go. CD2 in Az deserves a better representative and the time is right now. We could probaly get health care for all Americans, drug cost under control, and stop getting our brave servicemen and women killed in Iraq and Afganistan. We love our troups and it is time to get them out of harm way. Trent, send your son or daughter over there if you feel its right. Oh, you don't have any children. Lets send you over instead. As for minimum wages, let us change your pay to minimum wages and see if you can live in that big house you have. Lets see if you can fly all around the country with the income achieve by minimum wages. Walk a mile in our shoes if you dare. Stop being the pretender of representing CD2 and go home.

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